WhatsApp Image 2023-02-28 at 10.24.27

International Sustainability Resources & Technology Conference (ISRTC)- Oman Sustainability Week

Attend the International Sustainability Resources & Technology Conference (ISRTC) part of Oman Sustainability Week, organized by Oman Environmental Services Holding Co. SAOC – be’ah and programmed by Economist Impact. The high-level conference will connect local and global stakeholders across academia, industry, and the public sector, fostering constructive debate and enhancing cross-sector collaboration for achieving energy transition.

Dr.Sausan Al Riyami, OHC director, will join OSW Talks on the 13.March 2023.

Register here to reserve your seat: https://omansustainabilityweek.com/DelegateRegistration.aspx

For Conference Agenda: https://www.omansustainabilityweek.com/agenda.aspx