World Hydrogen MENA

World Hydrogen MENA conference

Join us and meet with World Hydrogen MENA Hydrogen Leaders and discuss the International Collaboration and Strategy Forum.


With its abundant supply of wind and solar energy, along with a rich heritage of experience in the Oil & Gas sector, the MENA region is poised to position itself as one of the most important exporters of clean hydrogen.

Central to the desire to export hydrogen from its low-cost solar and wind resources, is the necessity to build and develop international partnerships with import markets such as Europe and the Far East. Among the key issues to be addressed for the region to truly fulfil its potential are the scaling[1]up of clean hydrogen production, the investment and development of local supply chains and workforce, infrastructure considerations around the methods and routes of transporting hydrogen, as well as the regulatory and political implications necessary for this global collaboration to succeed. As such, we are delighted to be returning to Dubai, from 27 February – 02 March 2023, to host our World Hydrogen MENA conference, where we will bring the entire international hydrogen value chain together to discuss the strategic and technological opportunities for hydrogen in the region and beyond. Topics to be discussed include:

  • Scaling Up Green and Blue Hydrogen Production in MENA
  • North Africa as a Green Hydrogen Hub
  • Examining the Hydrogen Strategies of GCC
  • Assessing Transport & Storage and Port Strategies for Hydrogen in MENA and beyond
  • MENA’s role in the Clean Ammonia Market
  • Policy, Certification, and Regulation within Import/Export Markets
  • Finance & Investment, Structuring Off-take Agreements, and Risk & Insurance around Hydrogen Developments


Date: 28th February – 2nd March 2023

Venue: Dubai, UAE